アマゾンにて 英語で読む世界昔ばなし1→日本シリーズに続いて出たのね。こっちのほうが面白いかも。早速読んでみた。あとで音読に使おう。 オックスフォード現代英英辞典7版CD-ROM付き 今日、CD-ROMインストール。エラーが出てけっこう手間取った。内容は…
さっき、届いた。楽しみ。Panasonic デジタルカメラ LUMIX DMC-FZ7-S シルバー出版社/メーカー: パナソニック発売日: 2006/02/17メディア: Camera クリック: 3回この商品を含むブログ (14件) を見る
5.5型のでかい画面を見てその見易さに見とれてしまったが、 GT9300のコンテンツがほとんどt7100と同じ。 追加ができるので、和英大辞典やロングマン、マクミランなどを入れるという手もないではないが、今日、でんきちでさわっていて(9300はなかった)キ…
I paid off a whole mortgage on the house today. So this flat is actually ours.
I took a walk to a park nearby with my son yesterday. It was a warm day and cherry blossoms were begining to come out. They will be at their best next weekend.
I went to a shop to see what the camera looks like yesterday. Compared to FZ1, it progressed a lot. With 6 mega pixel CCD, it has a lot of advantages. And it still as light as FZ1.
図書館にリクエストを出していたのがやっと回ってきた。 う・・・ん、おもしろい。 ひとえに、白石さんの人柄によるところが大きいと思う。 一言カードって、どこの大学生協でもやっているし・・ただ一言、大事だと思うのは、お客様のどんな声に対しても正面…
I went to see the doctor about my stomach but he said there was nothing wrong with me. I was worried that I would be told that I had cancer in my stomach. That's a relief!
NHKの英語講座に連載されていたエッセイをまとめた本らしい。 いちおう、日本とアメリカの文化の違いなどを書き綴ったエッセイだが、なぜか感動がない。著者のKAY HETHERLYさんが日本に慣れすぎてしまったからではないかと思うのだが。。
Japan beat Cuba 10-6 yesterday. It was a exciting game, wasn't it?
My family went to visit my father to eat dinner. MY father seems to want to decide where my mother's ashes should be buried. We basically has two options: to bury them in the graveyard of "Ryushoji" temple, or in the memorial park owned by…
Team Japan qualified for the World Baseball Classic semifinals after Mexico beat Roger Clemens and the United States 2-1 on Thursday night in front of 38,284 at Angel Stadium. (from Japan Times) We were disappointed at the result of the ga…
I stopped reading "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". I didn't find it fun to keep reading after reading almost the three fourth of the whole book. After all, this book is for children, is't it?
I went to see the doctor today. He prescribed me a new medicine. I hope it will make me feel better. The toilet clogged up so I had to buy a tool to clear it.
I started reading the book "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". The film of this story The Chronicles of Narnia, is showing nationwide. We decided to buy a SIENTA and ordered it.
I went to a nearby supermarket to buy a carton of eggs, that is a loss leader today.
I took a test drive in a TOYOTA car named "SIENTA". It is a compact car which seven people could fit into. (It is a seven-seater.) It is a nice car, and we are going to buy one.
I installed a software "E-DIC" ,a dictionary by Asahi Publishing Co.. This software is composed of several dictionaries, which means that it is not compiled simultaneously, so in some areas there are so many words and phrases but in anothe…
I finished reading "Rosa Parks MY STORY" an autobiography by Rosa Parks, who was the key figure in the bus boycott in Alabama in 1955. I noticed that this incident is only about fifty years ago, not very long ago, which means that in the U…
改めて認識したのは、バスボイコット事件が起こったのが1955年。第二次世界大戦が終わってからのことだ。つい最近まで南部アメリカでは、人種差別が日常的だったのだ。 パークスさんも一人で立ち上がったわけではない。多くの人の手助けがあってこそ、の…
I had an endoscopic examination of my stomach yesterday.
ジョン・グリシャム著。 ある事件をきっかけにホームレスを助ける仕事に目覚める正義感あふれる弁護士の話。その事件の背後に彼の勤めていた大規模法律会社の不正が隠されていることがわかる。いわゆる勧善懲悪もので、読んでいて気分がいい。結末はできすぎ…